- Thanks for all of the very constructive discussions yesterday at our Polling Station stand. Adding up the pledges made on the day and after, we now have 94 potential shareholders, pledging to buy 2,342 shares, totalling £117,100
- Now that the General Election is over, we hope some of the fundraising opportunities that closed for the last month will again open for new applications.
- We have uploaded some behind-the-scenes photographs of the pub, including the cellar, guest rooms and rarely-seen tenant’s lodgings: https://photos.app.goo.gl/7Z5NUWZyhEpwJ7Zo7
- You may have seen we are running an ad in the Village Views.
- In the minutes of the June Littlebury Parish Council meeting, you may see that we have asked the PC to explore using the long-term financing available to them to consider taking a stake in the Queens Head. We are due to present the business case for this next week. We would like to thank the PC for their receptiveness to discuss this.
- Uttlesford District Council have responded to our enquiry regarding an extension of the e-bike rental scheme (between SW and Audley End) to the pub car park. The indicative costs are high, but it remains a possible option.
- The Village Hall Committee is running a Pop-up Pub this evening from 7pm, please come along.